Monday, 25 April 2011

Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz!!

Years ago before going to a movie at the Scotiabank Theatre, my sister and I stopped off at Ben and Jerrys on Queen. We each got a Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz milkshake. My Husband regrets those milkshakes to this day.

During the movie the two of us were sitting together and we chatted and giggled throughout the whole thing. My Husband now insists that we do not sit together during movies. We still manage to most of the time, and we still giggle...but not as much. Too bad that B&J's closed.

I once knew someone (who will remain nameless as I haven't asked if I could name them here), who gave up coffee for lent one year. They were on a trip and were listening to a scuba instructor tell them everything they needed to know before going in the water. Said instructor was waving around their coffee cup as they spoke, and my friend in their coffee deprived haze, thought the instructor was offering them their coffee. Lucky they were stopped from grabbing it out of the intructors hands just in time. But it just goes to show you how much of a hold coffee can have on a person.

As you can probably tell, I love coffee. I think it almost goes past's a passion. I've had coffee brought back from Brazil and from Trinadad. I had at one point made it my mission to try every flavour of coffee Kicking Horse made (still not completed). It's just amazing and it's more than the drink...I love the smell, the sound of the fresh brew of the pot. I love the oils that make the beans so shiney.....ok I think you get it.

So when we first started on this mission, one of the first matters I needed to take care of was finding cheaper coffee that was up to my standards. I wanted to try to stay with fair-trade and organic. Both are important to me. It's super hard to do it and save money. We were spending $16 a week on 1lb of coffee. It's insane.

On the Toronto Livejournal boards several people pointed me to Merchants of Green Coffee . I was told it was by far the best coffee there is. I had actually been made aware of the existance of this place a couple of weeks prior, on facebook but forgot about it shortly afterwards.

So my sister who is as coffee obsessed as I am, went on an adventure. We were going to the Distillery District (her first time), and then Merchants.

The weather was horrid. It rained and rained, but we were determined. We decided to go to Merchants first and it wasn't as hard to find as I thought it would be. We opened the door and were welcomed, not by an overwhelming smell of coffee that I expected, but the smell of well aged smelled like a cotage to me. It had the warmth of one as well. Rustic wooden tables and chairs, mixed with big comfy couchs and bookshelves filled with books from person libraries of the people who work there. I took pictures with my blackberry of the place, but I lost my cable (reason why this post took me so long toblog...I've been looking for it), but I will update it later.

Now you probably want to know about the coffee. Our first round was a simple latte. It was smooth and not too heavy. I wasn't left with a bitterness that I expected. At $4 a cup it was good. Next we got a pot of coffee brought to our table. It was an Ethiopian coffee, and my sister took a sip of it black, which we never do both preferring it with cream and sugar. With the Ethiopian coffee though it wasn't needed. It was smooth with a light sweetness to it that made it really easy to drink black. And so we enjoyed it black. Less calories, less milk use and sugar was great.

Now to cost. Overall the coffee is on par, if a little cheaper that Kicking Horse, so not a real savings per say. However, and this is a BIG however; they have a deal where you buy 30 pounds of coffee for $300 (yo don't get all the coffee at once obviously)...$10 a pound is $6 cheaper than what we were paying...AMAZING! Only caveat: you are buying it green. Which means you need to roast it yourself. They provide roasters there (I think they said one is included in the $300 purchase), and offer lessons on how to roast your own coffee so it's still a great deal.

We won't be taking up the deal right now, because to be honest we can't afford to drop $300 on coffee right now. But once we are I think it would be great. You are still buying organic, still fair trade, cheaper than most coffees, you control your own roast, and your house will smell like coffee (total upside for me).

I really urge you to check out their shop and their coffee if you, like me, prefer organic and fair trade coffee...heck if you are a coffee lover you seriously should check it out, the coffee is amazing. Check off on your coffee bucket list.

As for last weeks shopping: $270....... I KNOW RIGHT!!!! Honestly, it was $98 and then we had easter costs....and things kinda snowballed. But we are back on track. At somepoint I will ask my Husband if I can post his chart. He has been listing out everything I buy at the individual stores and letting me know who sells specific items we get regularily, for cheaer prices. It's very handy.

Next up: I'll tell you how the swap goes.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Coupon Wars!


Can you feel the anger?

Well ok I'm not angry now, but I was appaled and pretty damn well pissed off the other day.

I went shopping at Loblaws (Broadview and Danforth - I've been told I should be more specific of where I am shopping), I had some pretty sweet coupons for Ziplock products and thought that I am going to use them while they have them on sale.

I pulled out my coupons while in the aisle and checked them to be sure they would be ok.

I grabbed my products and happily moved to the cashier thinking about how I am going to tell my exciting save to my Huband...he'd probably have just laughed at me.

Well I get to cash I put all my coupons on my items (I originally went for buns and there were coupons there for them right there), and waiting. The cashier took my coupons, which were printed directly from the manufacturer on my printer. She looked at them and sighed and kept looking at me, then them.

She then had the nerve! The nerve! To ask me for the orginial coupons. I just stood there completely embarassed. I was like ummmm those are original, I got them from their website legitimately.

She then rolled her eyes at me!!! I felt my cheeks go red. I felt my blood boil and I tell you, in took all my will not to be all "Excuse me! Do you think I'm lying? Bring me a computer with internet and I will show you exactly where I got these from. It's one thing for you to doubt me, because you probably get fakes. But you do not show me disrespect in front of a whole bunch of strangers." But I held my calm.

She found a reason not to use the second coupon and I should have fought it but I was like whatever, just ring up my stuff and let me go.

Ugh! Drama with coupons! Jez!

In other news, last week we managed to spend a total of $80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn! I am so proud that I was able to cut down my bills by so much in just the first month!

Today however, I spent $96 at the No Frills on Coxwell. The one on Carlaw is HUGE and has a greater selection including food of the world. I might have to go back there. The one at Coxwell was small, sold out of everything I wanted and too crowded for me.

The $96 was made up of laundry detergents. I got two because I needed one for whites. My Husband bought some white shirts for our trip in March and well....white and sweat don't mix. Trying to bring them back, but doubt I will be able to. I also got some chocolates as we are being smart about waste of food, and any bananas we aren't using, I am making banana bread with. It's a nice snack, takes like 15 minutes to prep and mix. Easy. Yummy. Just how I like it.

It's been suggested that I try going to Dollarama for canned food. We don't eat much in the way of canned food. Canned tomatos, yes, canned the winter sure.

I've also said to try China town. I might and probably will, but I wonder how I can save more there than I did at Kensington....but I do like adventures.

Well I hope you all are doing well, and are finding use of my blog!

Talk to you later.

(Next up, perhaps something to do with gardening, and a trip to an AMAZING local coffee shop).

Friday, 15 April 2011

Swap Meet

So I am going to my first ever coupon swap meet on the 27th. A bunch of girls/guys get together and swap coupons they don't use with ones they need.

I'm horribly shy, but am hoping that this action will help me get over that.

This week has been surprising. I am used to making multipul trips on the way home to get groceries. Since our journey started a few short weeks ago, I've noticed those trips have lessened.

There was my Kensington shopping Saturday, No Frills on Monday and one stop Wednesday to Valu-mart.

I've gone through this weeks fliers. I've decided I can't travel from one store to the next to just save a couple of bucks.

I don't mind going to Kensington as I work downtown. I don't mind going to No Frills even. But I don't want to go here, there and everywhere.

No Frills price matches. I mean they claim to be the cheapest there is. I'm just wondering how mean/bitchy/annoying of a person I would be if I took all those fliers with me shopping. If anything is on sale at X place and it's something we want, I'll get it and give them the flier at cash out and give them my coupons. It'll save us money, and they have that policy for a reason right?

I've always hated that person who held up the line. I've groaned and whimpered 'cause I just want to go home. But here I am contemplating being that person

Very soon local farmers markets will be opening all over the city. It'll be nice to go to them, but you have to be careful. I love supporting local business', but depending on which market you go to, the prices can be fairly steep.

I'll let you know once my Husband has done the tally, how much we have spent this week. Maybe I should do a tally on one side of the page showing how much we spent vs, how much we would have spent that month if we followed old patterns.

It's something to think about.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Free......need I say more?

Ok so you want to know how to score free stuff. I'm not talking about the 5 finger discount, or coupons (though I will update on some coupon stuff after), I'm talking honest to God free stuff.

It's easy.

Compliment your favourite companies.


For instance:

When my Husband and I were just starting to live together, he was in school and I was supporting the two of us on a tiny income, I visited a toy store on Mount Pleasent. In this toy store they had these stuffed fantasy dolls...wizards, knights and fairies. I love fairies. I know who doesn't! Well these stuffed fairies also had mounts including a stuffed frog (I also happen to love frogs and have a tattoo of one).

Now I couldn't afford to buy both the fairy and the mount, so I figured I would buy the fairy and come back another day for the mount. I took the toy home and my Husband rolled his eyes at me and laughed.

Months passed by and I returned to the store for the mount, only it wasn't there anymore. I asked the Manager when they would be getting more in, and they said never as the item was discontinued. Disheartened, I thought I will e-mail the company and find out who else in Toronto sold the toys and maybe someone will have one left.

In my e-mail I let them know of my quest (come on it's a fantasty toy, of course there is a quest) to purchase this toy, and asked very nicely if they could direct me to some toy company in Toronto with them.

A week later, while sitting at my desk at work, I recieved a package. Oddly I wasn't expecting anything. I opened it up and there it was. My frog mount. Nestled in some tissue paper with a little card. The company thanked me for my kind words and wanted me to have the toy.

It started something in me. I felt a little evil. Seriously...being honest and kind gets me free stuff?

So when my Husband and I were getting married, I e-mailed Lays about what Ketchup chips meant to us and how they were a part of our relationship (to this day friends bring ketchup chips to our parties, and say that Ketchup chips means we love eachother - I won't go into that whole story)...well Lays e-mailed me back and asked if they could send us coupons and free stuff! Sure!

I went to Body Blitz, a women's spa in Toronto and I e-mailed them after to let them know how much their spa relaxed me, and how important that was as I have severe stress issues and skin problems. They posted my letter, spelling and grammar mistakes included, to their website and asked if they could give me some free treatments as thank you! Sure!

I let my favourite coffee company know how much I adore their coffee and how my Husband and I were trying them all (like pokemon!) to see which was our favourite. They asked which one was winning so far...and then sent us some!

Companies like hearing about people who love their product...and not a simple "Dude you're awesome!" - though that might work - but they want to know why you love their product so much. Let them know and the free stuff will roll on in.

Seriously, I've only posted a couple of my stories. I have more. I like free stuff.

Finally, big name clothing and accessory companies love it when you tell them about companies selling knock-offs. I have heard stories of people getting real products when they expose fakes. Not saying you should go do that....but again honesty pays.

There you have it Free Stuff. Go and e-mail away....

Ok so I said I was going to talk again about coupons briefly. I've learnt a couple of things. 1) in Canada stacking coupons doesn't much work (well not often)
2) People will sign up to coupon websites with different address' and order coupons in bulk - this can get you banned from some sites if you are caught, and can get companies to stop issuing coupons. Risky and really not fair to everyone.

And swapping.

So Smart Canucks was a website I had listed that shows all the Canadian coupons out there. Well a little digging also shows that people around Canada will list what coupons they have, and what they want....and you swap. You can even swap Canadian Tire money for coupons.

They also have a section called Coupon Trains. Basically a number of people get together and list what coupons they want in order of importance. Then the first person sends coupons to the second...second to third and so on. Sounds like a pretty awesome concept.

I thought about getting into that stuff, but when I looked at my small amount of coupons and I thought about all the work to sort through what coupons I want (I've only just started using them yeesh), vrs what I have....and then you have post them, and search through other coupons for trade. It's just too much work for me. I dreamt about coupons last night, that is how I know I can't do all that. But that doesn't mean you can't so I am letting you know.

My Husband has asked that I not go coupon crazy even though we are trying to save money.

I did my first coupon outing yesterday to Shoppers. I made out well. I spent $20 and got a new razor, 2 deoderants for my Husband, shaving cream for me, 8 bars of soap (Olay), 2 body washes (Olay) and....oh actually I think that's it. Still made out really well.

Current tally: Last week final grocery numbers came in at $150. $110 less than typical. So far so good.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Kensington Market- AKA What a wonderful morning!

So as I mentioned, today was the day that I would travel to Kensington.

I left home before 11am thinking that everything would be open. I was surprised that when I got there, the stores had just been opening.

I wandered a bit, I forgot how much I love it there. I forgot my camera which I kicked myself in the ass over.

I checked out a couple of the fruit and veggie vendors trying to get an idea of the prices. There are two vendors actually on Kensington (the street), kiddie corner. I went to the one on the north east corner. In there I got some great looking mushrooms, 6 oranges, a bunch of asparagus, a bunch of carrots, onions, tomatoes, bananas....and I think that was it...I am probably forgetting something. In total it came to $12. WOW, that is a lot better than at my typical grocery store.

Aside from veggies and fruit, I needed nuts, cereal and honey. I checked out a nut place again on's actually more of a health food store. They had raw almonds for $5.99/lb and raw walnuts for 7.99/lb...and pumpkin seeds for 4.99/lb. Now having talked to other people about bulk nuts, these seemed like fair prices. I got a whole lot of each (we eat a lot of them), and went to cash out. My total was $30 and I just stood there thinking WTF? So I had him weight each item...all of them were slightly over a pound, but the pumpkin seeds were more so. So I thought I would dump some of them back. The guy at te store thought I was dumping them all back...I was too embarassed to say I dumped them all back.

In the end it was $20 for almonds and walnuts. Not bad. I didn't get milk, cereal or honey there, though in hindsight I should have gotten honey at the market. I was walking around trying to get pumpkin seeds now that I had none, but everywhere else the pumpkin seeds were $6.50-7.00/lb. Damn. So I know, you're thinking I went back and got them from the other place right....yeah. I left without them. I know, I know WTFMOFO!! But once I am embarassed, I got into shy mode. So I'll just have to go back another day.

At the local grocery store I got milk and $15...for two items!!! For Cherrios and milk! I still don't even know how.....or what....or yeah. No honey because it was really expensive. Might have to go to St.Lawrence for honey, we will see.

So under $50 so far for groceries and the only real thing I know I am for sure missing is honey. Not so bad if I do say so myself.

Only downside is it is crowded, which I will get over, the items are heavy and stuff like bananas gett tossed and bruised while you walk around.

Maybe it's time to invest in a new old lady buggy? I would love one of those cloth buggies...but only if it were done in a cool pattern..maybe tattooesque. Or lightening bolts...or something cool...not plaid.

I guess I will make my next post about scoring free's fun.


Thursday, 7 April 2011

Brief update for this week and then, lets talk Maple Syrup

Ok so...we were at $160 and holding....until last night. We ordered and I took a cab home to bring said dinner home while it was still warm. Tonight my Husband (who is sick) begged off cooking, and I've got work to we ordered again. I don't think we've decided that ordering will be included in the grocery shopping or not.

I don't have the final tally, but I will post it later...but without the ordering I think we are up to $180. So less than usual.

Lets switch topics. Maple Syrup. If you are Canadian chances are this stuff flows through your veins. But it can be soooooo expensive.

Last month my Husband and I went on our very first trip. We went to an amazing resort in St. Lucia, which was all-inclusive, including tips. We didn't want to not tip anyone, so we thought of things we could bring from home to share. Maple Syrup was our first thought.

I went to all the local grocery stores and we were looking at $8-12 per bottle (250ml typically). This was a little more than we were thinking of spending per bottle, especially when we wanted to bring a few bottles with us.

I instantly thought of St. Lawrence Market. I was going to go on a Saturday before leaving, sure I would find some thing. And find some I did.

In the south market you can hardly turn a corner without seeing something maple related. Obviously, the south building is the one more tuned to tourists, so the costs are actually much greater than even the grocery stores. I was starting to feel really let down.

I made my way to the North building which is only open on the weekend. It's where the local farmers come to sell their wares. Outside of the market was a honey stall and beside that a maple syrup stall. The prices were cheaper than the South building, but still more than I wanted to spend for how many I wanted to bring.

Dejected, I went into the North building to have breakfast (great breakfast made with food gathered from the farmers, at a great price...I just can't remember it right now). I walked around buying veggies, and at the far end I came up to a table where they sold apples. On one side of the table though was a small selection of maple syrup! I went over not expecting to find anything different than I saw anywhere else. Man I was surprised. I was able to get 4 bottles at 250ml each for only $5.50. Half the price of anywhere I looked, plus I was supporting a local farmer. It was awesome. And everyone loved it at the resort.

Now when I want maple syurp, I know that the best place and the best price is at the North market on Saturdays.....that is unless you know somewhere better....

Monday, 4 April 2011

Tales of No Frills, Beef and home cooking

It is April 4th and to date we have spent a total of $162. So so far this week we are $100 less than our usual budget. Now keep in's Monday. That and there are no pharmacy items in this total.

So Saturday morning my Husband and I go through alllllll the fliers we had. We had a squabble over shopping at No Frills and buying what we need/will use vs buying things just because they are on sale. least thats how I thought it was at the time...or that is how I was arguing it. My Husband's point was we need to adjust our eating habits to include items we don't typically eat, but are on sale. So me 0, Husband 1.

No Frills was an adventure. It was like Marty McFly came by in his Delorean and told me to hop in the back, we're flying to the 80's. Seriously. There was a guy who looked like he belonged in a hair band. Fully on mullet, handle bar mustache, leather jacket, tight jeans....scary thing is I don't think he was much older than me. I'm 30. So while I was alive in the 80's, and I do love me some 80's typically don't see people my age fully embracing the look as he was. It amused me.

The selection there surprised me. It was huge. Perhaps it was because I was there at 9am, but there weren't many people there so the selection was quite large. They had a lot of sales going on and in the one trip I spent $102 and bought more than I do at a typical store.

Great buys: 5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $11, I was spending $9 for 2 at Sobeys. Rib Roast for $10.72. More detail on the roast later. Eggs a dozen for $1.50.....I almost bought 3 of them...just cause the price was good, but we don't eat eggs that often. Bacon was also cheap at $2.99 a pack. With our new freezer I bought 2 packets of's another item we don't eat too often.

Almonds were still pricey. I need to find somewhere I can get raw unsalted Almonds (Almonds are amazing for several reasons, but they assist in balancing horomones which is great for women...helps with PMS). On the topic of nuts, walnuts lower bad cholesterol and are great for omegas which is handy if you are allergic to fish (like my Husband is), and pumpkin is not only an afrodesiac for men, but pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which is good for men...and has other properties which are too TMI for here.

I was brought back to my childhood during checkout. They have the old school checkouts where the cashier puts your groceries to one side and you push a button and they come down the belt to you. Yeah my brother and I fought a lot over who got to push the button. I had a gleeful moment as I pushed it. I mocked my brother just for memory sake.

I carried my groceries out, Marty wasn't waiting for me when I left. Only a beat up cab with a bright and happy cabbie who was very talkative for a Saturday morning.

Overall I will shop there again. There are items I found they don't have that we like (bulk box of Fibre one bars for instance), so I will still need to look around.

The roast made a yummy meal that night with a dry rub. It was my Husband's first time cooking one and it was amazming. We had it with some mushrooms and bacon wrapped asparagus. Yum. The left over of the roast was put away until tonight. We have a home made stew with potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, and the left over beef and tin of tomatoes (which as my Husband reminds me I got for $0.88 a can...I should have bought more).  There will be enough stew left over for lunch even. So not bad.

On the way home today I stopped off at the Valu-mart to grab odds and ends that we needed (above mentioned Fibre One bars for instance). They had farmers market cherry pie on sale for $5.99, down $2. I thought it would make a nice treat to follow our stew, and would be a nice dessert for a couple of days. The big find was the ribs. OMG. They are on for $2.99 a pound! SHUT UP! I got two HUGE racks for only $8 each! Easily 4 meals per rack. I also got my Husband his favourite's in this little red container...he calls it nippy *giggle*. Anyway, it's usually $9 but we got it for $4.99. Not something I would typically do, but we bought a lot of ground beef earlier and I know he likes it with his burgers.

So...with all this, plus the shopping I did just before this journey started we have 5 chicken breasts still, 6 burgers made up, 2-4 rib dinners (depending on how hungry), and 3 packs of extra lean ground beef (they were $3 each)...a possible sheppards pie in the future. Wow. That's a lot of meals worth and our freezer is still empty.

Ok so my Husband works some Saturdays. This Saturday is one of them. So I have time to go on a grocery adventure. Where to go though? I hear Kensington is great for veggies, spices and cheeses. We aren't HUGE on cheese, though I love a good goat cheese. But the trek might be worth it for some bulk spices and veggies. I could check their prices for nuts as well.

Where else should I plan to go? Not necessarily this Saturday, I want to pace out my adventures.

Until next time!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Coupons!! More and more Coupons!

So as promised, here is what I have learnt about coupons so far:

They are easy to obtain, you can stack different ones for greater savings, and they now come to you!

So when I think about coupons, I think about grabbing the weekly newspaper, spreading it out ona table...grabbing some scizzors and planning my shopping around whatever coupons I can find.

I was so wrong. I have since found not one, but 6 websites dedicated to coupons for Canadians (which I will post the links to at the bottom of this post).

You pick and choose which coupons you want and they either mail them to you, or in some cases you can print them off. I have been going through them and "ordering" coupons only for items I would typically buy, and ones that are complimentary to each other.

For instance, you can get a coupon for save $1 when you buy two bounty, puffs, or charmin product. Then there are two other coupons, each for $.50 off of any one bounty or charmin or puffs product. So hypothetically you can save $2 by using the $1 and 2 $.50 coupons. Nice! If the item happens to be on sale, even better!

So I check these sites frequently, they do not update on a specific basis so you always need to come back to them...maybe make it something you do when you have your morning coffee and check your e-mail.

I do get a package of fliers delivered to my house every Friday. Historically we've been picking them up and tossing them into recycling. We've always bought the same items and either they are going to be on sale at the store we choose to shop at, or not. But now as we are trying to save money, we've brought the pack in.

Today's pack contains fliers for the following stores:
Price Chop
Fresh Co. (who? apparently related to Sobeys)
Super Store (Loblaws)
 and Food Basics

I had no idea I had all these options so close to home. Tonight (or if I am honest, tomorrow morning), my Husband and I are going to through these fliers, check the sales and create our grocery list. I think the general idea is that I will do most of tomorrows shopping at No Frills to check it out...but that could change when we see what is on sale. Also good to note: A lot of these sites have their fliers on line. If you have a No Fliers sign on your door and don't get them in the mail...check out the grocery store website. You enter in your postal code and it brings you to the flier for the store closest to you.

The freezer arrives between 12-6pm tomorrow, so I might wait on buying meats until it arrives and is set up.

Our goal is to not take out cash this month, shop for things we need using coupons and sales and see at the end of April if we make out better or not.

I already saved us some money yesterday by shopping some sales. Unfortunately, this meant buying generic coffee. I really want to keepbuying Fair Trade, but it's I might do a mix of both with Fair Trade coffee for the weekend only and generic for the weekdays. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this yet though.

A fantastic goal would be if I could have coupons that compliment eachother for items already on's times like that, that you can actually manage to get some free items (not to be confused with my tips for free things, that's another post).

So here are 6 websites you should join and get coupons. I hate that at least one is specifically a "womans" site, as even men need to save money and some men are stay at home Dads and take over tht responsibility. Keep in mind, you can also check out sites for products you love...they will sometimes post coupons there too. this site is #1. They list coupons for all the other sites pretty much, and they also showcase printable coupons. There are forums here where people point to sales and there are trades for items...all around great site. small but good selection great selection of grocery and pharmacy items amazing selection, seems to update frequently, has groceries, home, health...just so much. They also have samples...samples are always fun. small selection, but premium items it seems, which is great when you want to slurge and save.

Lastly, this isn't a coupon place per say, but they have a section caled Review Squad. Sign up, and they will let you know when new items are available to review. Pick what you want to review, they will send the item to you...just post a review within the time limit.

Next up: Review of my first shopping adventure.